Vintage Stereo Repair Newtown

Vintage vinyl is back and so are vintage stereos! If you’re looking to spin that old vinyl, you may be in the market for vintage stereo repair. Here at Mort’s TV & Video, we are the trusted name in vintage stereo repair near Newtown and can help with all of your vintage audio needs. Bring your vintage stereo into us or send it in! We look forward to helping you to get that vinyl spinning again. 

All of our work is done on site at our shop. We never send any equipment out to third parties for repair work. Everything is done in house by our trusted, well-trained and professional repair technicians.

Just call us or come by our repair shop. We can take a look at your vintage stereo equipment and let you know how long it will take to fix and about how much you can expect to pay. We offer quick turn-around times so you will never be without your precious equipment for long. 

As audiophiles ourselves, we understand just how important it is to have a vintage stereo repair shop you can trust. You don’t want to trust a shop and technicians that don’t know what they are doing. Our technicians are certified by the International Society of Certified Electronics Technicians (ISCET), and we make sure our techs are all fully trained in vintage stereo repair.

Professional vintage audio repair in Newton NJ

Professional Vintage Stereo Repair 

You can trust the experts at Mort’s. We are one of the best electronics repair shops in the area, and we specialize in vintage stereo repair. Since 1956, we have been offering top-notch audio repair in the Tri-State area. We keep up to date and current on how to best repair the newest technology and products on the market. But we also stay sharp on the best way to repair vintage audio equipment too.

We understand firsthand just how much your stereo, speakers and turn table mean to you. We know this is probably your favorite way to listen to your favorite records, and we will work to make it run again.

We offer vintage audio repair on all brands including Fisher, Panasonic, Yamaha, JVC, Harmon, Sherwood and many more. Give us a call today and find out more about our vintage stereo repair services.

Contact Us for Vintage Stereo Repair Near Newtown 

Are you interested in learning more about vintage stereo repair near Newtown? Call Mort’s TV & Video at 215-945-8381, visit us in Levittown or Contact Us.